Waste Disposal & Its Impact on Environment

Waste disposal has serious impacts on the environment. Typically, most waste in the UK ends up in landfill sites. Though some of the waste rot with time, a part remains intact. Even if it rots, the waste produces methane gas during the process. The methane gas speeds up the greenhouse effect. Besides, such sites may also attract various pests. Whereas decomposition produces leachate that may also pollute the soil.
Incinerating waste is also bad for the environment. Gases that produce during the incineration cause air pollution. That’s why searching Skip Hire Near Me is a better option than finding a landfill site.
Impacts of Waste Disposal on Environment
Improper waste management has serious impacts on the environment. We have enlisted some catastrophic effects that poor waste disposal is causing.
1. Soil Contamination
When we throw paper, metal, glass or plastic waste, we hope it would go through the recycling process. We assume that these materials would turn into a renewable product. Unfortunately, our expectation is true but the reality is different.
Most garbage ends up in landfill sites. This garbage then pollutes the soil as it decomposes. Heavy metals, pesticides, solvents and petroleum hydrocarbons contaminate the soil.
2. Water Contamination
Water as a solvent can dissolve many chemicals. Hence, when it moves through the soil, it picks up pollutants and hazardous chemicals. Rainfall can also dissolve atmospheric gases and chemicals. As a result, harmful chemicals get mixed with it. Water seeps down and as a result, takes these pollutants with it.
Thus, the toxic liquids and solutions become a part of streams and water bodies. Hence, improper disposing of waste contaminates water resources.
3. Climate Contamination
We know that decomposing in landfills generates harmful greenhouse gases. These gases trap heat by becoming a part of the atmosphere. The adversely effects also include bad weather reactions such as typhoons and storms. Severe hail storms and acid rain is also a risk at present.
Besides temperature, gases also affect the air precipitation level. These toxic gases and their effects disturb the overall environment. These include radioactive and thermal pollution.
4. Air Contamination
Plastic and paper are often burnt at waste disposal sites. This incineration process releases dangerous chemicals in the gaseous form. The process not only hurt the surrounding population but also the ozone layer. Plastic burning produces dioxin which pollutes the air of that particular air. Such an improper practice accelerates global warming and disturbs the air quality.
5. Water Life
Landfill sites near water bodies and streams disturb the water life as well. Untreated sewage and garbage are often washed out or dumped in streams or rivers. And it affects fish and animals that live in the water bodies. Pollutants from clusters with the algal bloom and worsen the situation further. Eventually, fish and coral suffocate or get trapped.
Our Word
We urge you to play your role to protect the environment. Before disposing of your garbage, think about its impacts. Think about what are you throwing and how it will affect the climate. Your used battery, broken phone and plastic bottles all contribute in various ways. Disposing of plastic and non-biodegradable materials release harmful toxins. So, try to adopt a better and environment-friendly way to dump your waste.